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Help us out of this telepathy.


My opinions about Nebulus Plus and those who have been trapped by its power.

It's time that everybody knows that those trapped on the Nebulus Ball are actually brave people and deserve to be stuck up for because they defy all odds. They should be commended for putting up with a secret like this for so long without much help. Also, you should like a person who tries his or her best to do it right in this kind of situation. So, to wrap it up, you ought to be proud of them because some of them lost everyone they once knew to avoid treason and terrorism. 

Anyway, "make me stop," which is what you always used to say when I asked you to leave me alone.  This may be a dying expression when it comes to using the power of Nebulus Plus over somebody.  Save your dignity and your own life by refusing to attack each other, as well as yourself, with its rare and extraordinary power.  Other sites signify you usually damage the cochlea of ear with any type of synthetic telepathy, so you can seriously hurt someone with Nebulus Ball.  The Nebulus Balls have been taken over by the forces of darkness in the world, because it has been rejected by laws everywhere. So, hate to tell you this, but these balls are a form of synthetic telepathy which has always been seen as a psychotronic weapon. It cannot be created into a toy like people make an attempt to convey.  I think they are trying to make this look more like a joke than it really is because nobody seems to believe that they are in danger or torture, it seems.  They probably do know but they are just trying to not let you know.  Just realize people have developed a long term wireless telepathic connection decades ago. I mean it was during World War II when the first synthetic telepathy experiment was performed.

 I have always thought of it as a weapon with its RF frequency signatures, but people are not classifying it as that so much. They are asking "what is this?" All I know is that it hurts and needs to stop. No one can actually change the harmful aspects of Nebulus Plus, because artificial telepathy is a no touch form of torment to begin.  Take this matter more seriously guys.  

It is, also, dangerous, because it is so secret. The stopping power ought to belong in its rightful hands which is the federal governments of the world, but don't leave them out of the blame game yet, because we might be TIs (targeted individuals) in that way, too. There are also madmen making synthetic telepathy, ultrasonic beams and the like on the streets. These guys can also make us TIs through this method as well. It is usually a government conspiracy, like I mentioned before I realized this is synthetic telepathy and has been done so in many ways with many similar things that are all things like synthetic telepathy. The power for change is instead in the hands of those who have defenses, like our poison dart frog friends, but are small and unimportant like many see our poison dart friends who died for the cause. These groups of people hope the government can look after them more, but can still handle themselves a little for now. If the governments do not work together to disband the balls completely, the gangs and stuff will just take it over even more than before like I just said. I know you guys realize Nebulus Plus is real, because I wrote several senators about it. Like always, I will gladly encourage the government to envision it the way I explained the story and know that they probably WRONG in doing what they'd normally do to us.


I refuse to forget the losses and suffering I, alone, went through to get this far in life.  With this said, the remedy or its ultimate destruction better come about.  And, yeah I am a froggieoggie because the frog massacre can very well happen to individuals and they are said to represent real humans.  They were a part of a few people's happiness sent to their demise. (Important and valuable, like actual humans are.) They also died because a handful of "permanent Nebulus Plus residents" refused to comply with the traitors' demands.  One of those brave frog loving people were me, so yeah, I risk my neck for Nebulus Plus, sometimes.  Also, I may not have died completely, but I do understand losses as a result of these devices.  This doesn't mean I want to risk it.  I just have.  If frogs do not hit home hard enough for you, I, even, lost human friends which were a part of my heart, too.  So yeah, frogs are our children, so to speak.  Therefore please treat our pets with respect.  If you do not like that rule, then why ever consider yourself a friend of mine again?   It is out of respect and common decency that you just comply with that demand and that I have an underlying reason apart from that for the respect rule, so just do it, please.

Kids Sledding in Snow


This place continues to be not for the faint of heart, ladies and gentlemen. Therefore, no children on the ball, please.  This is for obvious reasons.  One of them is that they are doing enough crazy things without excuses to do so.  Why provide their impressionable minds any more reasons to act like a fool?  I remember a wonderful childhood where, even though it was unknowingly around, supposedly, I didn't realize any difference.  Plus, somebody could also be drinking their butts off and haven't any Nebulus Protection on unintentionally.  This will definitely get the child hammered.  This is unnecessary and since the cops understand there can be a problem, they ought to have some way of keeping it from being a major threat or issue.  Common sense will tell you that assailants love to play tricks like this, so why side with them?


Sometimes as I have been saying, there comes a time to prove that Nebulus Plus is real.  Officials like famous people and cops, who DO represent the government shouldn't have to be compelled to come into these unknown halls to prove a point.  Nebulus is real, guys.  Also, to end all the questions, it is an RF signal and that's it.  Even I, who do not have a ball because I "deserve" to be killed, have seen it with my very own eyes.  The fact is that I believe there ought to be additional negative credit given to Jim Chaun and to people who love Nebulus so much. 
I believe Nebulus can be a fascinating technology at first, however it's still downplayed way too much.  This said it will endanger those brave men and ladies who are meant to protect us just out of curiosity and disbelief and sign them to an agreement of some kind which will render them helpless to people in need.  I mean telepathy???  Sounds unlikely don't you think?  Just try not to using this product anymore, because you just never know who's on there.  No matter what names are signed in, there are names "wedged in between" names and all kinds of stuff.  It is so hacked, who knows unless you have a trained eye who "Jim Chaun #2", for example is.


It ought to be illegal to have no Nebulus Protection on or to deny individuals their right to Nebulus Protection during certain times like when somebody is dying and making an attempt to take everybody with them among other things.  This point cannot be stressed enough, because we are all doing different things at one time.  With this in mind, little old me being on "extra sensitive" is inexcusable and not funny.  I am the most considerate one here and I STILL manage to violate someone's air space at least once a day.  I say even more than that. The setting was also called autoboam last time I checked and please turn it up as high as you can for me every time you get a chance to. Please and thank you.

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