Nebulus Plus is Real and Dangerous
Nebulusball.com talks about what may be a version of a product from long ago that has been forcefully hidden from the public eye since its birth. The product gets into your head through synthetic telepathy and pulls out whatever thought the user wants to get from you like espionage would. Anyone who wields this rare device can even say something to make it seem like the victim is thinking completely different from what his or her true thoughts are. As if that wasn't enough to bother you, Nebulus Plus has even more terrifying abilities. The balls can even torment you beyond your wildest dreams from time to time, which is why I call it a weapon to begin with. So we are not only forcing information out of people, but we are tormenting random individuals, like me, needlessly. It is also currently being used as a method of splitting souls up, so to speak. For the person it is done to it seems like "multiple personality possession," because there are many people in your head. For the record this sounds like many accounts of synthetic telepathy are supposed to. You are to sign the agreement to keep the victims' minds bottled up in these balls of torment, which is classified as "no touch torment". They aren't supposed to say a word to anyone who never signed the agreement at least once. So, basically, they are sworn to secrecy, I guess. An individual's feelings can intercede with yours, inflicting temporary and perhaps even permanent psychoses sometimes. If one of the people in here has a mental illness it will affect most of us. Furthermore, I'm counting the fact that your perception of life is different from everyone else's, so that can drive you crazy, also. Third and finally, you can take drugs and conflict with another's sense of peace. This is why I say sometimes that this tool is made to make people legally insane and from time to time achieves its purpose. I have heard the voices since I was twenty five, back in 2010. I even have been through lots of unnecessary pain and torment in my life since then. I feel my soul deserves 100% purity forever. Whoever separated any soul in the name of Nebulus needs to be punished with a vengeance. I can see if you're here to assist me, however, most of the time you are not. I am positive I am not the only one who feels this way. Enough is enough. We'd like a way to garble these crazy people's Nebulus signals so they will stop spying on us forever. By the way, for the record, the balls look different than pictured above. Very few are actually shiny or disco-like at all. Most of them are about that size, though. They are rubbery, and they collectively have many colors, but only one color for each individual ball. Look out for the size only because I could not manage to get a real picture of one. If you can send me one, without getting messed with please email me. The closest thing I could get was a product called "nebula" instead. (Pictured above.)
Nebulus IS a lifetime commitment
People sign the agreements, with or without financial gain. It's agreed to do with the soul(s) whatever the tormentors wish to do with them with or without the owners being able to do anything about it. You only get a Nebulus Ball if you sign the agreement, supposedly. Also, keep in mind some stuff you might want to tell about, because these things might ordinarily be illegal. Contracts, also, persuade folks to swear allegiance to Jim Chaun, (since that is your last name) and we ALL understand who that is. Those who draw up the pacts teach the signers to be secretive, I mean very close lipped about the situation. This product has been out since the 70's and maybe before that, it is said. It is illegal for a million different reasons. Nobody admits that Nebulus Plus is real unless I'm intoxicated out of my mind, so I would not remember the occasion clearly, or so they hope. I have managed to outwit a few people and I caught them confessing their roles in Nebulus out loud. Yeah, sometimes I'm more attentive than I look, so I am sure that I'm not just hearing things. I know they are real people. They will confer with anyone else at any time, though, I keep hearing. At least one cop has had this experience with me and refused to admit it the next day or ever since. "Until the next time you're utterly helpless," I faintly remember a police officer saying a while back when this happened. Not that I'm the man in that aspect they just never make it to my house, somehow. I don't get what is so convincing about staying here and bothering me unless it's that some man with lots of cash who is beyond any doubt Jim Chaun's pal. These people are definitely not joking around about secretly hurting others with an unknown weapon that has been named a number of awful things like a detonator, a tool of espionage, or any other thing that comes to mind. I will tell you again and again that synthetic telepathy sites speak about most of the scenarios concerning Nebulus Balls. Most of the users seem atheist, so they can break the oath. Sounds pleasant and versatile, I guess, for someone who is bound by oath to have someone like that help you, but it always ends with a stab in the back instead for me. I hear in the rare world of telepathy that if I sign such an agreement, it is an oath on my life, so I understand the secrecy to a small degree. I say a slight degree because the increasing number of people are cops in here. I even heard plenty of conversations about the police coming in to willingly cause a disturbance instead of solving the issue like American law dictates them to. Unless there is cash on the table, I do not understand why some of these atheist cops don't attempt to protect and serve rather than serving us up. The corrupt authorities should have been caught in that way alone.Now we have a perfect explanation for the government corruption. There are two ways the usual psychotronic weapon scenario works. One is the corrupt authorities are gang members (that is the psychopath as a leader explanation). The other scenario is that we are "gang stalked" which means the government is doing the job as a conspiracy against its people. Either way, the plot is now more exposed as a classic incident than ever. The cops have the ball, either way. They are harassing me, an innocent man, about something they understand the answers about already and are hiding the truth about. IT'S JIM CHAUN DOING IT, MAN. (And his other lousy drug-addicted friends) OR is it the government? I think it's the first scenario.
This product has been out for an extremely long time. Since I don't see anyone believing in telepathy enough to explain the concept very often, I know it has been a secret the whole time. I understand terrorists, or whatever they are to the government, are attempting to urge everybody to take them less seriously regarding the necessity for the cure to break the trance. Facts are facts and synthetic telepathy is a serious thing if used the same way it usually is. Now there is no reason to misunderstand most of the evidence that seemed so originally thought out, at first. Now it is plain as day and classical of the government to work against itself as they try making arrests concerning individuals doing it. Of course some are going to do something I'd like to call "embarrassingly unethical" along side these criminals to the entire world. It was once ALWAYS a conspiracy from the government to use artificial telepathy against a human being, so the rules go back to the days of Hitler. It's unheard of but the rules are classic and always apply in some way.So what I am saying is that the government needs to care less about mind control and more about the freedoms most people naturally have. Of course this is a secret but is known enough for the authorities to try keeping it in mind. There should be some justice delivering cops who just refuse to say yes to Nebulus Balls or their similar sister devices. Thankfully this has been done at least once, so look up your laws and get your lawyers out. It's a tough battle but we can MAKE the government care, if needed. I have continually had trouble getting the authorities to "believe" me without sounding schizophrenic more than anything. "The voices in my head are real individuals and wish to kill me" sounds really dumb when you are explaining it to somebody who is already aware of the problem and just acts like they aren't. People know about it, they just refuse to agree with you. Also, the phrase, "It isn't medically sound for me to believe you concerning Nebulus Plus" is not what I'm trying to hear, either, although I know why. These two situations are embarrassing and are only meant to defame my name and prove me an invalid witness against everyone. I think everyone in Nebulus surely drowns out any true schizophrenia I ever had. If you are MY friend or on my side in any respect, you should say something like, "Why not bond together for our common cause and fight this as a group so I won't look so stupid talking about voices that actually are real people." Or just do something like that secretly, I guess because I am permanently angry at the ones who are always on the ball, and I will probably mistake you for one of them. Like I said, I don't have a ball and do not want one, because the object is to remain far away from these kind of things. You will find yourself unknowingly hurting yourself by being near it due to the wavelengths of these mind rays, so to speak, because they damage the cochlea part of the ear over time. (Loud ringing and stuff like that) If stuff like this keeps up with an unknown origin of course, folks are going to be hesitant to call the law. If they cops act up enough, which they might, visit this web site. It may help. It's called www.copwatch.org. Sometimes a little exposing is all someone needs to get them to realize how unethical they really are. They deserve it because they are doing this secretly, I believe. As for the potential gang or psychopath theory is concerned, calling the right authorities may help, but you have to prove you know what you are saying. Just try to get 911 to listen more often, please and thank you. Like I said, classic signs are classic signs. Also, you cannot change the nature of the weapon into a toy due to its reputation I suppose. So, why are individuals pulling guns out on my friends for the sake of Nebulus Plus? Isn't this supposed to be a game? The answer is too simple after a little research. Synthetic telepathy is NOT a game or a joke at all. I wanted to go along with it until everyone agreed to do this for a long time. After a while someone like me tends to get insulted. Now I know this is right for me to take this situation seriously because it is a form of torment and all kinds of other stuff.